How to download Deverse World private game build?
The upcoming Core Destroyer Tournament will be played on Deverse World private game build. Please check the steps below to download it and prepare!
Last updated
The upcoming Core Destroyer Tournament will be played on Deverse World private game build. Please check the steps below to download it and prepare!
Last updated
Head to and click Download
After the download is finished, install Epic Games Launcher
Go to Library tab
Search for "deverse"
Make sure it's the private game build by STAGE on the game image
Download it
Head to this page to learn about creating account to play
If you already created account from Season 0 or Christmas Season, you're all good, no need to do this step.
Once you've finished all steps above, you can launch the game to play!
Now, you can also play Core Destroyer mode solo to learn about the map before participating in tournament against another player. Follow these steps below:
After opening the game, click RAID
In lobby, you may choose any CHARACTER to play, also able to select preferred SKIN and LOADOUT (gun skin)
When ready, click this icon at top right corner
Input the code 123456 then CONFIRM
You are now able to access Core Destroyer mode
Click Find Base to start a match of Core Destroyer mode solo
If you have another friend who also has the private game build and preparing to join the tournament, you can ask them to Find Base at the same time with you to play 1v1 match. This would make it similar to an actual match of tournament.
Additionally, everytime you restart the game, you need to follow the same Extra. steps above (input code 123456...) to access Core Destroyer mode.
We use different region server for the Core Destroyer mode.
If you Find Base but get No servers found error, go to setting
Go to GAME tab and switch around different PREFERRED REGION (Singapore, Germany, etc.)
In the case of all servers not working, head to our Discord server and open a ticket to report this issue. Our dev team will assist right away!
That's all!
Good luck on your Core Destroyer tournament participation and getting those sweet prizes.
If number of players exceed 8 and should your registration for that tournament comes late, we could put you in Reserve Players Pool so that you may get to play if any other players suddenly get busy or have technical issues.
All prizes will be distributed earliest 1 week after that tournament or latest by mid March on Beam chain!