Deverse World Beta Dev Blog #4

Floating isle scale improvement

Since the beginning of beta version development, our team at Deverse World has tested different levels of scaling to see which one would be the most suitable for optimization as well as players’ experience. At the moment, we have scaled isle size 75% down. With this, everything runs more smoothly so far and it also help us come up with more gameplay ideas to implement in the near future.

Inventory and Marketplace early development

In this week, we have started the early development of the Inventory system as well as Marketplace. Of course, their main function would be to facilitate the isle conquest along with resource collection activity on isle. Furthermore, the on-chain trading system is now enabled and in testing for Deverse World first-ever in-game economy.

Other improvements

  • Energy crates item has been fully implemented.

  • The vast barren land of desert and lust forest biomes are now close to finalization. Check out the difference between the new and old build below.

Last updated